Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Grades, Knowledge Character and Success

One dilemma that continues to persist in the minds of the students is whether to focus on grades or on knowledge. What is more important getting better grades or acquiring more knowledge? Normally it should not be an either or questions as better knowledge should lead to better grades but the evaluation system in most business schools is so subjective and convoluted despite all efforts to make it more objective and simple that the students focused on higher grades do not hesitate cutting corners and go to extremes to make their grade sheet look better. The fault lies with our entire education system which encourages students to score higher marks which enables them to get into coveted institutions for higher education which in turn leads to better jobs; Even the parents pressurize their children to focus on grades instead of learning, on higher marks rather than on knowledge, ability, character, value, skills and personality.
Once Students join a professional school they must realize they are no longer preparing just for exams but for life. They will not be carrying their mark sheets and certificates with them wherever they go all the time but their knowledge, character and values go with them every where. There is no getting away from them. Every time they interact with people and talk to them their character shows through. To be successful as a manager or in any other sphere in life you have to focus on yourself and become the kind of person people will like to deal with. In business as in every other sphere in life people deal with people. If you have not learnt the art of dealing with people you will not succeed despite your high grade. You have to learn to be a caring person and care for everyone who comes in contact with you socially or for business. People don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care. Your success in life and business will depend on how well you can get along with people and how caring you are. It is the business world’s best kept secret. In fact it is not even a secret. It is so obvious that no one notices it till failure is staring them in the face.


Unknown said...

I am cent percent agree with your artical. Even my own thinking is that grades are only to show off. The main part is knowledge and if we have the knowledge then we can change that knowledge in grades.
bharat bhushan singh

ashish kumar said...

i agree partially to this view about the grade. it is very correct that grades doest not matter but their skill and personality matters most but who has given birth to this grade importance, its education system, they think students getting good grades are only intelligent and they only should get a chance to move forward. for example we take a case of in our institution, student are not allowed to sit if they make cgpa below 6 and in good companies atleast they ask for 7 and above, in that case student fights among themselves to grab good grades anyhow, few students fight for the scholarship. so i have a question sir than how can you expect students stop going after grades inspite of the fact that grades dont matter in interviews, grades makes you eligible to sit in good companies but knowledge finds job for you.

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