Monday, June 22, 2009

Prepare to talk about your strengths

We all know that you are going to be recruited for your strengths and not your weaknesses. Here is another question which is very straightforward and in sync with what the interviewer is looking for. You need to be aware of your strengths and what is going to be your unique contribution to the job and the organization if you were to be offered the job. This is another one of those innocuous little questions which could throw the candidate out of contention if he or she were to come across as some one who is arrogant or egoistic. Some candidates hit the other extreme and end up being too humble and spineless. Both extremes are undesirable.
This might seem to be an oft repeated theme but it is so true it bears repeating. We learnt earlier that your first and foremost strategy is to find out what does the interviewer want the most before you even begin to answer any questions. The best way to do that is to do your research and if there is still something you need knowing; ‘ask’. You need to do your homework and be prepared for answering this question. Know what your greatest strengths are. Be prepared to talk about your strengths and site examples and instances from your life to substantiate your claim. It is easy to understand ones reluctance to talk about oneself as we have been trained from the very beginning not to blow one’s own trumpet. In most people’s mind it goes against the basic tenant of edification which says you can edify anybody else in the world except yourself. Yet you need to prepare yourself mentally to talk about yourself and your strengths and achievements in an edifying manner without coming across as someone who is pompous and egotistic. The best way to do that is to state your achievement or your strength in an even tone and immediately get down to narrating an incident or a stating statistics to illustrate your strength or achievement. The more recent the example the better it is.
The secret to responding successfully to such a query is to prepare for it. The preparation obviously starts at home. You should take some time out and write down some of your strengths and achievements which are similar to what the employer is looking for in a candidate for the job you are being interviewed for. Then think back and also write own some incidents, statistics, or anecdotes that will illustrate or reinforce your claim that strength or achievement. This is another one of those innocuous looking questions which unless you are prepared for it will cause a few problems. Once again chances this question will be lobbed at you in one form or the other. The interviewer wants to find out whether you have introspected or not. He also wants to see where is your self esteem is at. Can you talk about your strengths and achievements without being boastful? Or do you swing to the other extreme and act so humble and self effacing that you become part of the furniture? The focus of the interviewer is as much on your tone and posture as it is on your strength and achievements. Being prepared for this question will require a bit of effort and sometimes some change in attitude. Are you the kind of person who takes the entire credit for your self or will you give credit to others where it is due?
Generally speaking some of the strengths employers are looking for are what every, well socialized young person already has and one does not have to ponder too deeply about them. For example character traits like honesty, integrity, sincerity, loyalty, commitment and a strong work ethic are all prerequisites that are non negotiable. No amount of talent, skills and enthusiasm and motivation will compensate for a little bit of lack of honesty. In fact there is no such thing as a little lack of honesty. One is either honest or not. You either have 100% integrity or not. Yet interviewers will want to see some of these strengths and achievements illustrated. If you have proven track record of being an achiever it helps the interviewers take appositive decision. Employers are looking for someone who is intelligent yet humble, someone who is an achiever and yet a team player who will fit into their corporate culture, someone who will be comfortable around other people, someone who is dedicated and will walk an extra mile in pursuit of excellence, has clear cut personal goals and targets which can be aligned to the goals of the company and of course someone who has appositive attitude and looks to the future with optimism and expectation.
So the best way to tackle this question is to be prepared for it. Preparation is done at home and is sometimes quite boring. But remember spectacular success is always preceded by some very unspectacular (read boring) preparation. Another similar question which needs solid preparation is what your greatest weaknesses are. More about it in the next post.


shivangi said...

sir ,
Its very clear that a person should analyse what all strengths he or she posseses. but the biggest problem is their identification.most of the people fear by interviews they feel nervous about it.i was not able to understand that a how a person answer such a question when he is under so much pressure.

pooja goyal said...

No wonder it is indeed a very useful info which you have given. But i am being told that when it comes to weaknesses, one should talk about it in a manner so that it sounds more of strenghs. How is this possible ?

ashish kumar (IBS Chandigarh) said...

dear sir
i think every person has few strenghts and weaknesses, so if asked by interviewer about weakness i think one should never say no weakness he has, instead he should say yes but presenting weakness as strength would be weightable. I think that SIP programme that everyone gone through in an organization has given everyone a chance to learn and know their weaknessnes and strenghts. I am sure everyone must have lot to tell about the experiences they had to the interviewer and could easily cite few examples to substantiate their strength and weakness. Also building strength is not one day hard work, people develop strength by passage of time and also come to know their weakness, so i have a question sir that one need to cite their latest strength or could speak some from the past.

John Rambo said...

Good Afternoon Sir,

You rightly said about the Strengths and Weaknesses. But Sir as Shivangi has said that most of the times people do not know about their strenghts and weaknesses.
Even i remember an incident when during my Defence Interview i was very badly grilled by the Officer on this very topic.

Well Sir, the best way to avoid this is to convert a strength of yours into a weakness and believe me it worked for me.

Thank You.

Unknown said...

It was an insightful learning from this blog. but at the time of interview the individual feels so nervous that he's not able to convey his answer properly to the interviewer no matter how well prepared the person is. how can this nervosness be tackled?

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